The Positive Pressure Barrier Tool range provides fail-safe double block isolation for safe operations. The dual seal configuration provides an annulus void which can be pressure tested to verify both seals are leak tight before maintenance work is carried out. Both seals are leak tested at 110% of the maximum potential pipeline pressure. Once the seal integrity has been proved, the annulus is vented to ambient to create a zero energy zone, providing effective double block and bleed isolation. The large section elastomer seals are highly compatible with poor pipe surfaces and are customised to suit corrosion or ovality issues ensuring a leak tight seal even in ageing assets. A through-port is provided for downstream pressure monitoring or pressure application as required.
De-commissioning (bleeding down) and re-commissioning (refilling / re-pressurising) of pipelines minimised or eliminated, saving time and reducing costs
Drastically reduce time on project for dismantling of supports, splitting flanges, spading and cleaning of pipes
Reduces need for on-site machining of flanges if damages found when splitting these
Minimizes use of crane/heavy lifting
Production continued during pipeline maintenance or modifications
No flaring of gas or displacement of pipeline inventory
No emissions of gas / hydrocarbon vapour to atmosphere during blow down
No need to dispose of hydrates, chemicals and contaminated water
Isolates short sections of pipeline in the pipeline system
Emergency preparedness and operational readiness
Size range: 3/4” – 54”
Robust compact design, enables Vaput Barrier Plug to be set in short sections of pipeline
In many instances production can be continued during pipeline maintenance or modifications activities
Twin compression elastomer seals are highly effective even in pipelines with corrosion & ovality issues
High integrity isolation, taper lock-ring provides twice the required lock contact area (100% contingency)
Annulus bleed between seals allows pressure to be vented to ambient creating a zero energy zone providing effective double block isolation
Fail-safe design feature: lock & seals energised by differential pressure, referred to as self-energisation
Self-energisation feature maintains safe isolation while differential pressure exists across the plug
Both seals fully energised by pressure (rubber pressure 1.1 - 1.4 times greater than pipeline pressure)
Reverse pressure can be applied across the isolation plug to facilitate system leak testing
Outboard pressure monitoring options